Case Studies > Protecting the Weixian Radish >
Authentication & Traceability System
Protecting the Weixian Radish
Kezzler was selected by Shandong Runhui Agricultural Comprehensive Development Co. Ltd (RunHui) to provide a traceability and authentication solution for The National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park in Hanting District, Weifang, Shandong Province in China. The park utilizes the latest technology to promote sustainable farming, standardize best practices for production and to share the product journey with consumers.
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Unique, Secure, Traceable
Each individual radish pack is given a unique, secure and traceable identity. A label with a unique QR code, and a hidden authentication PIN is applied to each of the packs during packing. The QR code is used both for tracking the radish through the supply chain, and by the consumers to see the product journey. The hidden PIN is used to verify the product’s authenticity. This helps to build trust in the brand and eliminate any concerns regarding fraudulent products
WeChat integration

Illicit trade in agricultural products poses a risk to public health and has a negative effect on sustainable food production and the economic development of local agricultural areas. To help restore confidence in home-grown produce and restore trust in consumers, China has set up national agricultural industrial parks, such as the one in Hanting.
By promoting best practices and using the latest technology, their aim is to increase output and revenue for farmers, while reassuring consumers that they are purchasing genuine products.

RunHui Agriculture Authenticate & Traceability System
RunHui is bringing safe and sustainable products to their consumers, while helping farmers make significant increases in both output and production. With the Kezzler solution consumers can easily scan the products using their phone and experience the farm-to-fork journey of the exact product in hand. By revealing the hidden pin, they can check authenticity, eliminating any concerns about the product’s origins. Full traceability across the entire supply chain helps to ensure quality and taste for these well-loved local delicacies.

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